Bangka Belitung (21/3), Head of the Department of Capture Fisheries, Diponegoro University was a resource person at the Public Lecture “Bioeconomic Modeling for Sustainable Fisheries Management. The Public Lecture was attended by students of Capture Fisheries at Bangka Belitung University.

Dr. Dian Wijayanto as Resource Person at UBB

On that occasion, Dr. Dian Wijayanto was also a resource person for “Curriculum Workshop on the Preparation of Vision and Mission and Curriculum for Capture Fisheries Study Program in the Era of Smart Society 5.0 Based on Island Areas”

Dr. Dian Wijayanto, Resource Person for Curriculum Workshop at UBB

Friendship with Kurniawan (UBB lecturer, Head of Capture Fisheries Study Program, PSP Alumni 2005), Agung Priyambada (UBB lecturer, PSP Alumni 2012) and Arif (Marine and Fisheries Service, PSP Alumni Class of 2001)

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