Sukoharjo (07/02), Team 1 Diponegoro University (UNDIP) Real Work Lecture (KKN) students held a program “Milah Milih Ikan” (fish selection) for Housewives (IRT) in Nguter Village, Nguter District, Sukoharjo Regency on Tuesday, (23/01/24). This program aims to increase the knowledge and awareness of Nguter Village women about how to select and differentiate fresh fish from rotten fish. This is important to maintain family health from digestive disorders caused by consuming fish that is not fresh.
This program was implemented by one of the team members from the Capture Fisheries Study Program, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Diponegoro University.
Alda Ariani Indrawan, one of the UNDIP Team I KKN students, was the driving force behind this program. According to him, education regarding choosing fresh fish for women in Nguter Village is very important because Nguter village is quite far from the sea so the probability of consuming fish that is not fresh is quite large.
“By studying the characteristics of fresh and rotten fish, it is hoped that Nguter Village women will be more careful in choosing fresh fish to be processed and consumed by their families at home. “So this can prevent digestive disorders in each family member.” Alda said
Figure 1. Photo with Nguter Village women who took part in socialization activities about choosing fresh fish
UNDIP KKN Team I students conducted an outreach session about the health benefits of consuming fresh fish, which is rich in nutrients and protein. Then proceed by explaining the physical characteristics and smell of fish that is no longer fresh through showing an animated video, as well as the health risks that can arise from consuming fish that is rotten.
The women of Nguter Village said they were happy with the educational activity on selecting fresh and rotten fish held by UNDIP Team I KKN students. They admitted that they had gained a lot of new knowledge about how to choose fresh fish and rotten fish. KKN students hope that this educational activity on selecting fresh and rotten fish can provide benefits to the people of Nguter Village. They also hope that this activity can increase public awareness about the importance of consuming fresh fish for family health.
Author : Alda Ariani Indrawan
DPL :Dr. Asep Muhamad Samsudin, ST., MT.
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