Wonogiri (25/5), Fisheries activities carried out at the Gajah Mungkur Reservoir have the potential to be a basis for the economic development of the community around the reservoir in Wonogiri Regency. However, there are still problems encountered in the management of the Gajah Mungkur reservoir. Overexploitation of fish resources results in catches no longer being able to be sustainable, resulting in a decrease in the number of fish.
Based on these problems, the Community Service Team of the Capture Fisheries Department consisting of Hendrik Anggi Setyawan, S.Pi., M.Si., Dr. Agus Suherman, S.Pi., M.Si., and Dr. Dian Ayunita Nugraheni Nurmala Dewi, S.Pi., M.Si. carried out a service activity entitled “Improving the Sustainability of Local Fisheries through Fish Restocking Activities at the Gajah Mungkur Reservoir to Support SDG’s”. This community service activity consists of socialization, counseling, and stocking fish juveniles.
Counseling was carried out by providing material from the Community Service team in collaboration with the DKPP Wonogiri Regency. The activities were carried out to coincide with quarterly meetings with representatives of fishermen’s groups. The counseling material is in the form of the importance of fish restocking activities on the sustainability of local fisheries in the Gajah Mungkur Reservoir, Wonogiri Regency. The discussion that took place also discussed the concerns of fishing groups about fishing gear that is not environmentally friendly in these public waters. In addition, the Community Service team also conveyed the importance of the role of Pokmaswas in maintaining the sustainability of fishery resources in the Gajah Mungkur Reservoir.

Counseling by Community Service Team
The next activity is the stocking of fish fry in the Gajah Mungkur Reservoir. The fish juveniles that are scattered are in the form of black tilapia fry with a size of 5-7 cm and as many as 12,000 heads. The fish stocking activity was symbolically given through the Marine Fisheries and Animal Husbandry Service of Wonogiri Regency and continued to Mitra Pengabdian. Fish stocking is carried out together on the edge of reservoirs as well as in several locations that are safe for fish life. This fish restocking activity is expected to be able to support the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) program in point number 14, namely the conservation of aquatic ecosystem life.

Fish Restocking
Community service activities have been carried out well. This is shown by the support of the service partner fishermen group, the high motivation, and enthusiasm of the participants in the discussion, as well as the community’s desire for the sustainability of the service program to be able to help realize the improvement of the sustainability of local fisheries in the Gajah Mungkur Reservoir.

Participants of Community Service
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