Wonogiri (25/5), Gajah Mungkur Reservoir in Wonogiri Regency is the first public water in Indonesia to become a spawning ground for Siamese catfish naturally. Many nearby residents have the blessing of the adoption of this spawning technology. This fish has the potential to fertilize the waters. After all, catfish are not invasive to native fish.
Catfish is known as a commodity with a bright prospect in the world of fisheries because the delicious and savory taste of its meat causes its high selling price. In addition, Siamese catfish also have a large body size. Thus, there have been many fish farmers who have opened Siamese catfish farming businesses even though they are only on certain scales.
On May 25th, 2022, the Community Service Team of the Capture Fisheries Department UNDIP chaired by Bogi Budi Jayanto, S.Pi., M.Si and consisted of Prof. Ir. Azis Nur Bambang, MS, Prof. Dr. Aristi Dian Purnama Fitri, S.Pi, M.Si, and Dr. Ir. Abdul Kohar M, S.Pi, M.Si. carry out a Community Service Program with local Fishing Community Groups around the Gajah Mungkur Reservoir which carries out fishing business.
The Community Service Activity of the Department of Capture Fisheries FPIK UNDIP took the topic of Supervision and Monitoring of Spawning grounds of Catfish as the concept of its service program. Catfish have been known to stick their eggs in thorn wood plants (Mymosa sp) which grow a lot in the waters of the Gajah Mungkur Reservoir. Several representatives from many fishermen groups in the Gajah Mungkur Reservoir joined the Fish Resources Supervisory Task Force, in carrying out their duties at the Spawning Ground, the Task Force needed a life jacket to support the safety of supervisors in monitoring and monitoring fish resources. Life Jacket is needed because the supervision of spawning ground in the form of thorny plants has a fairly large risk of accidents. After all, when floating facilities (boats) enter the area, they are at risk of getting stuck and overturning.
The Community Service Team of the Capture Fisheries Department hopes that this community service program can facilitate the supervision and monitoring activities carried out by the Task Force so that the sustainability of Catfish resources in the Gajah Mungkur Reservoir is maintained. The Secretary of the Marine, Fisheries and Animal Husbandry Service of Wonogiri Regency who was present at this activity also hoped that the Service Program was funded by the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Universitas Diponegoro could be implemented again continuously.

Catfish Stocking

The Community Service Team Handed Over the Life Jacket to the Fishermen’s Group Representative
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