Semarang (20/6), PSP Universitas Diponegoro alumni have been spread throughout the region and take part in various sectors. In the PSP Alumni Sharing Session Webinar Batch 3, invited PSP alumni who took part in Fishing Ports with the theme “The Strategic Role of Fishing Ports in Supporting Sustainable Fisheries Resource Management at WPP NRI”. In this webinar, presenting speakers Dicky Aulia, S.Pi., M.Pi., Dr. Agus Suherman, S.Pi., M.Si., and Nugroho WS Dandung, S.Pi., M.Si.

In addition, PSP alumni are not only successful in working in the field of fisheries, but also in the field of banking. An example is Arief Nugroho, S.Pi. (PSP 2006 alumni), Birowo Cahyo Baskoro, S.Pi. (PSP Alumni 2006), and Catur Wicaksono, S.Pi., M.M. (PSP Alumni 2006). This activity was packaged in the form of a Career Fisheries Forum Webinar, with the theme “The Role of Banking in Fisheries Business Development”. The alumni were able to provide insight to the participants, especially Capture Fisheries students, not to worry later if they graduated, they could be successful in other fields.

For participants who want to look back at the Career Fisheries Forum Webinar, you can visit the Youtube channel of the Department of Capture Fisheries.

Material Presentation by Dr. Agus Suherman

Material Presentation by Dicky Aulia, M.Pi.

Material Presentation by Nugroho W. Dandung, M.Si.

Discussion Session

Material Presentation by Arief Nugroho

Material Presentation by Catur Wicaksono

Discussion Session

Material Presentation by Birowo

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