For the residents of Capture Fisheries, who does not know Iwan Fadli Pasaribu. Iwan Fadli Pasaribu (23) is one of the Capture Fisheries students Class of 2018 who is still an inspirational figure for other students. Born and raised in Western Indonesia, Kabanjahe, North Sumatra led the man who is often called Iwan to try his luck and study at the Fisheries Resources Utilization Study Program (now the Capture Fisheries Study Program) of the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences (FPIK) Diponegoro University (UNDIP). Iwan is now known to be waiting for the announcement of graduation and ending his status as a student.
Iwan admits that he comes from a very simple family in his village. When he was still in high school, he worked helping his father from afternoon to early morning to deliver wood orders, because at that time his parents were starting a business. “I once delivered wood after school at 3 to 4 in the morning and then continued school until 7 am, so when at school I was often sleepy”, concluded Iwan when interviewed through the Micosoft Teams platform.
However, the difficult family conditions did not dampen Iwan’s enthusiasm to continue his studies. He chose to study at the Department of Capture Fisheries, Diponegoro University and went to migrate far from where he grew up. Iwan admits that studying Capture Fisheries is the best decision he has made for his life. His choice when he studied in high school, but he was unmoved never felt the wrong major.
“I chose to study in this department because there are many field practicums. From this field practicum, there are several values that I get, such as solidarity between friends, respect for time and material, “he said. He also added that the lecturers who teach in this department are very close to students so that all students feel comfortable to discuss and exchange opinions without any high restrictions.
In the Capture Fisheries department, students are required directly to practice what has been learned in the field. He said that learning accompanied by direct practicum will make it easier for students to understand the material. This is reinforced by the statement of Malcolm S.Knowles (1913-1997) that people will only remember 20% of what he learned while only listening. Meanwhile, people will remember 40% of what he learned when he saw the lesson firsthand. However, one will remember about 80% of the learning if he does it himself and repeats the learning.
Continuing to study in a department that is not familiar to many people, makes Iwan’s enthusiasm for achievement even more passionate. Iwan is known to have made various achievements, especially in the field of writing scientific papers. Among the achievements made by Iwan, in 2021 he won first place in an essay writing competition with the theme “Economic Strategy of Youth During the Pandemic” held by IPB University. Iwan also won an essay competition held by Achmad Yani University Yogyakarta with the theme “The Spirit of Youth Nationalism to be Creative and Innovate in Society”. The achievements in the field of writing scientific papers may not be enough to mention, what is certain is that Iwan does have a myriad of achievements that he has planted since studying in this Capture Fisheries study program.
Currently, Iwan is a program assistant manager at Maritim Muda Nusantara, one of the national organizations that houses young people to raise awareness regarding the condition of maritime sustainability in Indonesia. Since 2021, Iwan has joined this organization and has focused on participating in responding to maritime strategic issues and participating in concrete actions in education, research, and community service activities. In addition, Iwan was also awarded a scholarship by this non-government organization making him realize that he also contributed to Indonesia’s maritime sector.
In 2020, Iwan was also appointed as the Head of the Student Association of the Department of Capture Fisheries (HIMADEPTA) and made him responsible for running a self-development forum for all Capture Fisheries students. He was also awarded as an Inspirational & Achievement Student by the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences at the FIMAFEST 2021 event.
However, behind the success he has achieved, Iwan admitted that he often experienced countless failures. Instead of giving up, the failure actually made him get up and continue the struggle to menorah various achievements and become an inspiring student of his friends.
Iwan’s high enthusiasm and ambition to continue studying made him want to continue his studies after getting a bachelor’s degree. “The future plan that I have in mind right now, I want to learn again,” said Iwan.
Iwan also conveyed several messages to students who are continuing their studies, especially in the Department of Capture Fisheries. He said that the definition of achievement that has been embraced by others is not always correct. Everyone can become an achiever when he manages to achieve what he wants himself, no matter how small it is. “When you can beat your own weaknesses, it means you can become an accomplished person”, concluded Iwan.
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