Semarang (8/12), Night dive is a diving activity carried out in the dark, after sunset until sunrise. Night diving is one interesting way to be able to enjoy the underwater environment in low light conditions. Without lighting from the sun penetrating the water column, visibility is limited. Several tools such as flashlights, lightsticks, and buddy straps are needed in doing this activity.
Research Diving and Fisheries Schooling or commonly known as RedFish Fisheries Undip, has carried out night dive activities on December 8, 2023, which took place at the Diponegoro IV Swimming Pool. This activity is an education and training agenda for RedFish members, to be able to feel, adapt, and gain new knowledge about night diving. The activity, which was instructed by Bonifacius Arbanto, was attended by 14 active members of RedFish, namely Tubagus Usama Adya (RF.12.101), Tsaltsaa Chawla Widiatsmara (RF.12.102), Muhammad Thariq Shaki (RF.12.103), Fikri Sulthan Rabbani (RF.12.104), Zilda Nailah Fajriyanti (RF.12.105), Mutiara Azizah Ramadhani (RF.12.106), Laksmi Nayla Shabiha (RF.13.113), Sabil Arrosyad (RF.13.114), Ashril Adi Pratiwi (RF.13.116), Rahma Yunita (RF.13.117), Ismi Valdema (RF.13.119), Rahelita Herta Prayvita (RF.13.120), Muhammad Alfath Malacca (RF.13.122), and Imad Aqil Al Faruq (RF.13.123).

Photo Session with Instructor
In its implementation, this activity begins with the provision of material by the instructor. The material provided includes what night diving is, the difference between night diving and diving with limited visibility, special equipment needed for night diving activities, and hand signals. Then, the activity continued with material discussion, team division, checking and tool setting. The dive was carried out by dividing the participants into three teams.

Checking and Setting Diving Equipment
Night dive activities are new to most participants. Through this activity, participants can feel new sensations and experiences when diving in dark conditions and with limited visibility. In addition, by participating in this education and training event, participants are expected to gain knowledge and skills in night diving, so that later they can do night dives with confidence.
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