Sukoharjo (06/02), Diponegoro University (UNDIP) Team 1 Kuliah Kerja Nyata “Real Work Lecture” (KKN) students held a program “AKALIN (Let’s Get to Know the Indonesian Sea)” at SDN 01 Nguter, Nguter District, Sukoharjo Regency on Thursday, (18/01/24). This program aims to introduce Indonesian marine riches to students at SDN 01 Nguter and the importance of protecting protected animals as an effort to preserve marine ecosystems.

Alda Ariani Indrawan, one of the UNDIP KKN Team I students from the Capture Fisheries Study Program, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Diponegoro University, was the driving force behind this program. According to him, creative education about the sea is important for children to raise awareness of preserving marine ecosystems from an early age.

AKALIN activities are divided into two sessions. In the first session, UNDIP Team 1 KKN students explained material about the diversity of marine biota in Indonesia to class 2 students at SDN 01 Nguter. The material presented includes types of marine biota that are protected, marine biota that is consumed, and how to preserve the sea.

In the second session, UNDIP KKN Team 1 students invited students to color protected fish and sea fish that were consumed. The stimulus given in this learning method is giving prizes to students who have the best work. This learning method through coloring activities aims to help students embed previously learned material about the diversity of Indonesian marine biota.

Figure 1. Coloring activity by grade 2 students at SDN 01 Nguter

Apart from that, KKN students also provided marine biota learning modules to grade 2 students at SDN 01 Nguter. This module contains material about marine biota that can be used for learning in class and at home.

Figure 2. Providing the AKALIN module to grade 2 students at SDN 01 Nguter

The “Let’s Get to Know the Indonesian Sea (AKALIN)” program is clear proof that learning can be a fun experience while still providing in-depth knowledge. This innovation makes a positive contribution to public understanding of the importance of maintaining the diversity and sustainability of Indonesia’s seas.

Author : Alda Ariani Indrawan

DPL     :Dr. Asep Muhamad Samsudin, ST., MT.

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