Webinar | The Effect of Climate Change on Export Potential of Fishery Commodities
DPT, SEMARANG – Department of Capture Fisheries, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, Universitas Diponegoro (FPIK UNDIP) presented a webinar with the theme “The Effect of Climate Change on Export Potential of Fishery Commodities”.
Friday, 01 October 2021 | 07.30-10.00 WIB
Zoom & DPT Undip YouTube Channel
Rita Lindayati, Ph.D | Senior Environmental Specialist, Sustainable Development Canada Team Leader
Opening Remarks
Prof. Ir. Tri Winarni A, M.Sc., Ph.D | Dean of FPIK UNDIP
Dr. Dian Wijayanto, S.Pi.,M.M.,MSE |Head of Capture Fisheries Study Program FPIK UNDIP

Contact person
Hanintyo (089505399933)
*for public
Instagram : @d.perikanan_tangkap
Twitter : @dpt_fpikundip
Website : dpt.fpik.undip.ac.id
YouTube : Click here